
All New Updates Added to Online Catalog and Monument Designer

Next time you log into the Online Catalog & Monument Designer you'll see several exciting new features that are a direct result of user input.

1.  Catalog and monument previews in the left pane are now larger.  There is also a toggle button near the top left of the screen, which allows users to expand the monument choices out into the work area while a selection is made.  Then the user simply toggles back to the original view to get all of the work space back.

2.  Speaking of work space, we've increased that by 200%.  Users wanted more room to work, so we made adjustments to the left and right panes.  All the information is still there, but there's more room to work.

3.  Users also wanted auto alignment tools for centering text in panels.  Centering text was really the only thing left for a CAD operator to do.  While it is still a good idea to have an experienced CAD operator double-check everything it's likely there will be very little, if any, work to be done before sending it to the cutter.


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